Why I don't read blogs...
I started reading this blog (not linking yet, read my stuff first). Found it because someone linked to an art site that was under construction that linked to the blog. Don't remember where the original link was. The structure of the posts is confusing. It has both recent posts and archived posts from 2003 posted inline. So if you read it, make sure to check the header info for each entry, not the calendar on the left.
Anyway, I got kinda obsessed with it. I used to live in Richmond, Virginia and knew VCU and surrounding area pretty well. Almost went to VCU (shivers!). I think I can relate to some of the feelings expressed, some of the problems faced. This could have been me. Little more screwed-up outlook on life, much more screwed-up family and early education...this could easily have been me. Nothing really exciting happens, but there are a lot of post. Read quickly it is like a flip-book of a person's life.
As you can tell, this thing really pulled me in. But take note - it isn't good for an idle read. Too hard to digest emotionally. You should also avoid reading big chunks of it at a time. It will hurt.
For awhile, I dreamed I was Meagan Olson. Here is the link.
And then I woke up.
Scary what public school/authority figures can do to one.
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