Being careful is a good idea. These British researchers are right to warn industry and scientists of the dangers of nanotech. Horton, University College London, is also correct to point out that the public opinion of nanotech must be handled carefully. Scare ignorant people enough and they will try to ban anything new. If banned, the research would not stop. It would just move from the US or UK to Japan. Or France. Or Germany. Or North Korea. You get the idea.
This is very dangerous. Consider: how many times, in the entire history of science, has hiding one’s head in the sand done any good? Someone else will just perfect the technology and use it against you.
Fire: “Me no like fire. Not use…ARGGH!” (roasting sound)
Gunpowder: “Verily, me thinks yonder gun is without use. See mine plate armor!” (bang)
Fighter-Bombers: “Hah. Those stupid fly-boys. Ground troops win wars.” (boom)
Nanotech: …(?)
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