Wow. I just talked to my brother (chatted, IM-ed for all you pedantic freaks out there) and he mentioned meeting someone who knew me about 3 years ago. Someone I tutored in English at college and on whom I must have left an impression. Glad that I could make a difference and all. He wanted my brother to pass on best wishes, etc.
Thing is, I can’t remember the guy. Must have meet him a couple of dozen times over the course of a year or so, but I can’t even remember WHEN I met him.
OK, that isn’t so unusual. But I realized that I don’t remember much of ANYTHING from around the period of time. [insert joke about forgetting stuff I learned in college here].
Maybe I’m not making this clear, because reading over the above, it still feels a little weak. Let me try again.
I. Do not. Remember. Day by day. Week by week. Month by month. YEAR TO YEAR. What I did/thought/saw, who I knew casually/in passing/from class. The only thing I know is where I was, and that BECAUSE IT WAS THE SAME SHITTY COUPLE OF ACRES FOR 2 YEARS.
Yeah. That looks about right. Makes me mad as hell-spawn, too. I value knowledge. A lot. And it looks like anything that wasn’t in a goddamn book went in one pissing ear and out the other. GAH! [sounds of testosterone-induced primal range].
So, anyone I knew back then – I’m sorry. I don’t remember a fucking thing about you – who you were, what you want in life, what you did, what you had done. Unless you practically hit me with a fucking BRICK, it doesn’t look like I have much hope of recalling your general height, let alone your name or anything important about you.
So, Mr. Guy-Who-I-Tutored, I apologize. The near-useless knowledge I was (ineffectually) cramming into my brain at the time must have damaged the non-studying, non-test-taking parts so fucking badly that I couldn’t remember the first thing about you.
And to everyone else. Sorry. I think I might have made a very, very bad decision in putting priority on getting another “A”, as opposed to actually using my eyes, ears, and brain in seeing what was going on around me. And it wasn’t a lot of fun, most of the time. Good thing I got over that.
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