Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And again

OK, getting this going again now. I'm now part of a group called Crash Space. Awesome stuff. Anyway, I'm in charge of the "media room". Basically, right now, this is a tiny bedroom-like-space with a futon-couch and some bookshelves. I need to make it more "media".

So, equipment is an old Dell desktop computer, donated 19" and 21" monitors, a dual-port DVI PCI video card, and a Hauppauge TV PCI card. I also bought a digital TV tuner from RadioShack and *cough* borrowed one of the tables someone left stacked in the room. I assume they meant to just get it out of the way, the fools.

Final objective: wall of monitors (at least 4), broadcast TV, DVD, console video games, internet video, and awesome. Future posts will work back in time to show some of the things I tried (and failed (and succeeded)) to do. I'll list parts, software, configs, just about everything anyone could possibly care about and more, unfortunately.

But again, I'm planning on working back in time with stuff I've already prepared. So some information might have been lost before I make this post, but at least it will get done. Then, once I'm caught-up to the present day, I'll start posting plans for things before I actually do them. And now the pics (because it did happen):


This is the current state of the build. Three monitors, antenna, one giant TV, non-working speakers, desktop, PS2, webcam, all on a small table. Another shot from the side:

Yeah, need to remember to pick up one of those <$20 wireless mouse/keyboard combos from Fry's someday. Anyway, this is it for now. Oh, and ignore the stupid camera timestamps. I had to reset my stupid little keychain camera and lost settings. Didn't see it had reset until I took the pics. Here is the offending device:

Also, self-note on the format for settings this:
  • Root dir of the USB drive
  • Name "tag.txt"



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