Sounds a bit like cigarette company responses to possible health risks...
But yeah, I'm just saying that your codpiece mounted cell phone device isn't such a good idea
But yeah, I'm just saying that your codpiece mounted cell phone device isn't such a good idea
Uses "include surgical thread, bullet-proof vests, micro-conductors, optical fibers and fishing rods." Wow. Good thing I live in a day and age where not only is there a journal Microbial Cell Factories but there is hope for a better fishing rod!
this helps show what kind of service is rewarded. Tenet, Franks, and Bremer are shining examples of what the current administration is looking for in a citizen: total and complete loyalty to the party line, even in the face of overwhelming lack of evidence supporting its policy. Err, and why is a General getting a civilian award? And the man who was in charge of the CIA during its worst failure ever? Good thing that Bremer left Iraq in such good shape, what with the great interim Iraqi government and such fine hopes for an "open and fair" election.
Guess which one Bush is using it for.The medal of freedom was established by Harry Truman as a war medal and reintroduced by John F Kennedy to honour distinguished civilian service in peacetime.
Seeing that "'Twelve' steals top spot at box office", the only fear I have is that the rumors are false and that Blade: Trinity will have a sequal. Gah. Might see Ocean's Twelve. Will not see Blade: Trinity unless it were to fall free into my lap. And give me a day off. And cash.
Yes, continue to try to control all information and disguise it as protecting people. Praise privacy laws, for they are the future. And freedom to access information is doomed.
What a great line, what a total non-story. Look for the actual conclusions in the sixth paragraph. Heh, I just love junk science. Eeek! Computers are attacking humanity's ability to reproduce! Or maybe it is just stupidity.
Nay, can't be. They wouldn't provide a dinky knockoff service and then try to enforce moronic rules, would they? Surely not!
Let me see. Need something for this one...might as well link to my co-worker's blog* for a quick and easy update. He has a much more popular blog than I do (how couldn't he?), but I'm not jealous. Oh, no.
I'm no longer a total blog newbie, as I have learned to avoid the Settings that throws up in their "helpful" little blog editor. From here on out, only direct html hacking for me.
My family has been bugging me for a holiday wishlist. Make a long story short; this is the season of exchanging gifts and getting together to eat too much in our family. No real religious connotations, but a good excuse to all be in one place doing one thing.