Friday, August 18, 2006

Blog Link: TV In Japan

Wow, been a while, huh? Anyway, this was worth the time to post.

Part of this URL says, "the best kids show ever". And it looks like it might be.

Aside: I really love what the site calls the "buffer"; you know, the part right after a commercial break but before the show starts again?

Anyway, it starts off a weird little couple of animated things. But the last third is the best, starting at a skit called “Algorithm March”. Best thing I’ve ever seen on kids TV. Just…wow. So simple, yet so cool. Make sure to watch “Individual March” first, if you skip ahead.

Late addition (pre-posting): For the terminally lazy (or busy, like I should have been) here is a link directly to the YouTube video of just the best skit.