Monday, January 31, 2005

What indeed. - Freedom of what? - Jan 31, 2005

Good thing we live in a country where people are so well educated. Especially because we have this thing called democracy, a system of governance where citizens ostensibly use their well-form opinions to affect the course of an entire nation.

It is only in single-party, communist, dictatorial and tyrannical nations that you get oppression of citizens. Right? Our freedoms in this country are guaranteed because our citizens love and support freedom. Right?

Doesn’t look like we need to destroy our Constitution or change our system of government to get oppressed. We just need dumber voters – voters who take that oppression for granted. With most these issues being debated at some level of federal government or likely up for debate very soon, it becomes apparent that our freedom is, in fact, doomed. Enjoy it while you can. High school students, right? Well, you have about 2 to 4 years.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Yeah, and maybe "Doom 4" will be out by then. - Rice: Troops will stay until Iraqis can take over - Jan 30, 2005

It really looks like that kneeling Iraqi soldier, the one back-to-the-camera, is wearing cardboard armour. You know, like you used to make out of TV boxes or something. Nevermind, I'm sure they will be ready soon.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Beginning of the End?

Wired News: Eyes on the Prize Hits P2P: "'If people had stuck to the law, black people wouldn't have the right to use restaurants and hotels. If people had stuck to the law, women wouldn't have the right to vote. If people had stuck to the law, women wouldn't have the right to own property,' Guyot said. 'Our country has a history of laws that we are very proud we have moved away from.'"

So, who are the current copyright laws protecting? If I had the rights to an important or historic piece of media, say a film or a picture, what reason would our society have for supporting my copyright? Well, what if I were not allowing this media to be accessed, in any current form, by the public?

Tough question. I know how I react, though. I will not get in the way of people who think they need a piece of information that I possess. That is always a losing fight. I will, however, try to make it in their best interest, through ease or cost of access, to do things my way.

Failure to do so will always be meet by a public that feels they have a right to know (or access) something. And this will only get worse, as more works are tied-up in knots of copyright references, as information gets more interconnected and more sources need to be included for completeness.

People are hungry for information. I certainly don't let anything get between me and something I feel would make me a more effective or complete person. I would expect nothing less from others.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Collage loops at the last two. Still, not bad.

Lots 'o pics

This is about a 270 of the marina, just north of where I live. Read as from left to right, first to last. HAHAHA.

Let me see. Sunset, on the 18th. Not a great picture, though.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Isn't it still winter? No, wait. Not summer! Not yet! Nooooo!

Heat wave

This isn't just a heat wave. This is CRAZY!